Sunday, April 1, 2007

Hello Blog Readers and welcome to my transformation!

It's that time again, time to hit the weights and make my wife proud, and I am going to be logging my physical adventures for you all to see. Please note this is a NON-SPONSORED log, therefore all the supplements will be scrutinized on all they promise.

What to expect from this log:
1. Posting of daily supplement usage
2. Posting of daily workout routine
3. Posting of daily diet
4. Effects and feelings supplements give
5. Above all an honest an unbiased review of the supplements and my results

Here are my stats:
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 202 (according to the gyms scale this morning)
Body Type: Mesomorph (according to

I think in order to explain this I have to explain about where I am coming from. Throughout my childhood my dad was really cool about letting me play any sport I wanted to. I started off in soccer and shortly after our first game I realized there was way to much running involved (age 5 or so, chubby little dude). In the 1st grade I had a huge growth spurt, which put me near the tallest in my class so of course basketball was next. This was the mid to late 80s where kids wore the short shorts (talking like boxer brief style shorts) so I didn't care for that sports attire after a season. Then came the sport we all love... football! I played football from the age of 8 to my freshman year in high school (15). It wasn?t until my 7th grade year (first year to play football for the school) did I ever lift a weight. I was unable to even do the bar even though I was a very active child.

To speed this up some I began lifting weights in school and mostly on my own, as I look back now I realize I feel into a pattern after I started to lift. I will lift weights until I see improvements and then just quit. It?s not that I plateau (since I have never gotten to that point) its simply that I just stop working out. The last time this occurred I went on a "keto diet" and got into the best shape of my life, to date. I went from 220 to a nice 185 and all of my daily aches and pains (chest pains, rib pains, heart burn) went away. Then boom, just like that I stopped and I am back to an inactive 202. I now have a drive and motivation to get back into the gym like never before.

So with this log and some help from yall I plan to overcome the obstacle that makes me just stop and finally get into the body I have been wanting since my freshman year in HS. My problem areas seem to be my gut and upper thighs, other than that I usually stay pretty damn lean, (even went I got up to 240 with my wife's first pregnancy!).

So onto my goals for this log:

Short Term (1 - 3 months):
Cut weight down and build muscle (improve BF %age!)
Build a stable and constant workout regimen
Improve Diet - more smaller meals, healthier food, less junk

Long Term (3 - 12+ months):
After Cutting out the fat - Bulk Muscle on the right way
Maintain workout regimen
Maintain controlled diet

as you can see my goals are simple cut weight, improve my bf %age and then build muscle gaining weight the correct way.

I will be using the principals that make up Max OT with the help of exercises.

Generic Workout Schedule:
Monday: Cardio / Legs
Tuesday: Cardio / Arms and Abs
Wednesday: Cardio / Shoulders and Traps
Thursday: Cardio / Back
Friday: Cardio / Chest and Abs

* Please note I am posting links to the supplements originating site. I do not need to post everything about them here as there are tons of threads that have already done that.

Get Diesel Nutrition:
Diesel Fuel V12 (Thermogenic)

Controlled Labs:
GREEN BULGE (Creatine + Stim)
BLUE UP - STIM FREE (Test Booster):

Natures Best:
Isopure Mango Peach Perfect Zero Carb Protein: 77
Isopure Pineapple Orange Banana Perfect Zero Carb Protein: 77

Smart Blend (Omegas)

My Supplement Use History
* List of supplements used in the past whether they helped or not. Just proving I am coming from previous experiences.

Energy / Fat Loss Products:
- Ready 4 War V5.0
- Ripped Fuel (w/ Ephedra)
- Test 10
- Hydroxycut (w/ Ephedra)
- Diesel Fuel (non V12 version)
- Thermorexin

Creatine Products:
- AST Pure Creatine Monohydrate
- Creatine Serum
- CellTech

Protein Products:
- HST Primer Protein
- HST Driver Protein
- Nitrotech
- ON Optimum Whey

Test Booster:
- Diesel Test 2010

Sure there are a few I am missing but you all get the point. I am really excited to see how this stack will "stack" up to what I have used previously.

Supplement Schedule:

Workout Days:
- White Flood
- Purple Wraath
- Green Bulge
* Was told by Controlled Labs and Pu12en12g that since I was working out in the AM on an empty stomach to mix White Flood with Purple Wraath in a drink and take Green Bulge as directed (which is before working out). So that means 30 minutes before the AM work out I will have taken Green Bulge and downed a drink of White Flood / Purple Wraath.

- Isopure Zero Carb Protein Shake (mixed with water)

Pre AM Meal:
- Diesel Fuel V12

Pre Mid-Day Meal:
- Diesel Fuel V12

Pre Evening Meal:
- Diesel Fuel V12

Before Bed:
- Multivitamin

Non-Workout Days:
Pre AM Meal:
- Green Bulge
- Diesel Fuel V12

Pre Mid-Day Meal:
- Diesel Fuel V12

Pre Evening Meal:
- Diesel Fuel V12

Before Bed:
- Multivitamin

* Again please note that until I cut out the body fat I am looking to lose and start to bulk I will be holding off on adding in Blue Up. Blue Up will be added in when the bulking/mass muscle add on happens.

That should get me ready for next Tomorrow... more updates to come! Comments and Suggestions always welcomed! Thanks


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